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Headquarters A32 at Rohrdamm, Siemensstadt

Address, Directions

STEM heroines
in the A32 at WvSC
Rohrdamm 88 
13629 Berlin

52.536003, 13.265222

Remember and bring

1. Student ID, child ID or identity card
2. Arrive on time

Our MINT Heroines headquarters is located on a factory site. To come to us, you must register with the gatekeeper at Rohrdamm 88 using your student ID, child ID or personal ID. We will pick you up there in good time before the course starts.

We want to start the courses on time, so please arrive at the porter's office 15 minutes before the course starts. Checking in at the porter takes a while.

Helpful, Standards

You should only be outside our headquarters if you are accompanied by us, as the area is very large and there are many barriers. However, you can move around freely in our premises.

Basically, our formats are only intended for our MINT heroines. Your parents are welcome to take a quick look at the courses, but there are no plans for them to be there on a permanent basis. There are exceptions for special “parent-child” course formats.

Please leave valuable items at home for the workshops. We do not have any free, lockable lockers and cannot look after your belongings during the workshops. We will provide you with all the items you need to take part in the workshops. Only for some workshops may you be asked to bring something with you. As always, you will find this information in the workshop description.

You can try out all the materials and equipment on site. Please handle them carefully and with caution.

There are no plans to take long breaks during the workshops. If you still need a small snack, please remember to bring something with you. We have water (chilled, unchilled, with or without bubbles).

Please give us a short feedback whether you will be picked up after the course or whether you are allowed to go home alone (children between 10 and 12 years).

Best regards Amanda and Dennis


Hier müsst ihr rein
You have to go in here
Das ist unser Maker-Lab, hier sind wir am meisten, alles Handwerkliche findet hier statt
This is our maker lab, we spend most of our time here, all handicraft work takes place here
Das ist unsere Eventfläche, die können wir umbauen, freiräumen, wie wir es brauchen
This is our event space, we can remodel it, clear it as we need it
Das ist unsere Training- und Learning-Fläche, das ist der Lieblingsraum von Amanda und Steffen
This is our training and learning area, this is Amanda and Steffen's favorite room